OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2015-07-12 20:51
- 51.08G Eligius 365037 00000000000000001251bf209223ba6b9209f7050de283624d25aa43a5f1872f
2015-07-12 15:01
- 51.08G Eligius 365005 000000000000000004dfe2dbc9e06a20931f16fa6410c96fda85afb88a56689f
2015-07-12 12:02
- 51.08G Eligius 364991 00000000000000000bc12b3bc27a3e48ed81cb8fbbed152377e01be0218e4c30
2015-07-12 11:11
- 51.08G Eligius 364982 00000000000000000e807f08ac82813475ece2bbfb94981315c97a82a6ea93ff
2015-07-12 09:49
- 51.08G Eligius 364975 000000000000000010b60216ff1122fe5f2eb15faf6084d64c15a6045f7ce7ae
2015-07-12 08:35
- 51.08G Eligius 364969 000000000000000006e2d901b28f11a419ef682a2d002e408059ee47b26a29ff
2015-07-12 04:00
- 51.08G Eligius 364940 0000000000000000120a76174e813f97487819c59297a67e870a2fdf9b92e91e
2015-07-12 01:52
- 51.08G Eligius 364925 00000000000000000464967ee9c0f803af79f86af1a5542232e5b6e71c6fdd76
2015-07-11 14:16
- 49.40G Eligius 364861 00000000000000000f62b25f4915ad89ef627cfedac15b133aa6f4f1457bd89c
2015-07-11 12:09
- 49.40G Eligius 364848 0000000000000000030eabdd0971ce27230bcd70710b751df15e75a1790f3f23
2015-07-11 09:13
- 49.40G Eligius 364833 00000000000000000e9351398d95523bfcef6986cf02890e83277b441a2d62d5
2015-07-11 04:42
- 49.40G Eligius 364805 000000000000000002504e2100d50101a2461e603a29d1f0fe1a78992292d0f8
2015-07-11 01:07
- 49.40G Eligius 364778 0000000000000000050ebe1a3265143945bb10da3afe5067275482eea427bb27
2015-07-10 22:13
- 49.40G Eligius 364761 00000000000000000001f1867bcc72256aecac8530538ffdb5b28b779ad44944
2015-07-10 21:15
- 49.40G Eligius 364755 000000000000000010ae02e6c6006a2134bba583cfc87fbc647441d7f46361d1
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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