OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-12-05 07:37
- 40.01G Eligius 332954 000000000000000010f66908634e54dd85728cbd38a21564d1bf734d3609a79f
2014-12-05 02:40
- 40.01G Eligius 332926 00000000000000000710fc307b7b6835c6dd2b6ef1c634575b0f0d6cb3e89d39
2014-12-04 21:13
- 40.01G Eligius 332886 000000000000000014b1fa9317aa0289b3c076c3d22a5f908863c76678eae97e
2014-12-04 16:23
- 40.01G Eligius 332861 00000000000000000f061f1845c6e8ceadee2cf2e9a1800100e395b44ba92a58
2014-12-04 10:21
- 40.01G Eligius 332829 00000000000000000340226127e05f55780c7d22dec2dc1743fbae161f4afd5e
2014-12-04 08:13
- 40.01G Eligius 332811 00000000000000000176d05df0a5b7565f8a6a130dbf818a5d7242d87d5405af
2014-12-04 04:17
- 40.01G Eligius 332786 0000000000000000129a08caf3054a4afce05bb65cc0c06290b444efdcdc0155
2014-12-03 19:50
- 40.01G Eligius 332737 000000000000000014be128726817d51aa199fa4f18dab3417b1443d04920246
2014-12-03 19:40
- 40.01G Eligius 332736 0000000000000000180e801e4ced41ddc233c28f74ad9e50da0e60fe58117ba1
2014-12-03 18:07
- 40.01G Eligius 332727 000000000000000013176c55dcb75d38e193b8b9ac379e8f6b9dd2ee39be4af7
2014-12-03 17:55
- 40.01G Eligius 332724 00000000000000001350fe001eba60377c88dc186ab2e4717b41a35b2dd112de
2014-12-03 06:47
- 40.01G Eligius 332672 0000000000000000021441680ee269f9eb83a1ac13dbdf916a2d5debd729dd32
2014-12-03 02:21
- 40.01G Eligius 332648 0000000000000000086b2b29e250d51dcdf15e42110f3b0f1f5f4df353d807c7
2014-12-02 22:27
- 40.30G Eligius 332634 00000000000000000fd64591fbba25fce2424eecfa5b6bac4790903d9af74234
2014-12-02 11:36
- 40.30G Eligius 332571 00000000000000001667f6a2a5f1b16d842d2c0a44559edd4b54eb869ca75208
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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