OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-11-09 10:42
- 39.60G Eligius 329236 0000000000000000054e92c13a6aad1ef3d0bfc11cfab4cd4b48f2eb848773d0
2014-11-09 06:35
- 39.60G Eligius 329210 00000000000000000289b3d69f5e9ed97f85b9bd401b773643feed4e117218ff
2014-11-09 03:05
- 39.60G Eligius 329195 00000000000000000ef41185685acd7bf90892622e95ba68f2168b268c63f506
2014-11-09 00:58
- 39.60G Eligius 329184 00000000000000000bc87934470b711f6f947f31180a12e51e7ad5f6b7559246
2014-11-08 19:19
- 39.60G Eligius 329151 000000000000000013e1781549dbc46a53a762fa1da9c7559406676d5db1c2aa
2014-11-08 12:52
- 39.60G Eligius 329111 000000000000000013014844697ac2d697e297b6f5b61c917688be5b274c448b
2014-11-08 10:51
- 39.60G Eligius 329098 000000000000000018ec46132679b91dd7ed87fc3006e3c5bade8bf0087024cf
2014-11-08 09:26
- 39.60G Eligius 329085 00000000000000001adc60d4955e803b0ed4773fd7a843689159cefc1e440491
2014-11-08 09:15
- 39.60G Eligius 329084 00000000000000000469582f4b9bc107ff727d54e8682982700e2b73d22bda27
2014-11-08 07:35
- 39.60G Eligius 329074 00000000000000000cfa9ee58b91b27629dd8607ff838cb1880e871745f6fda7
2014-11-08 02:42
- 39.60G Eligius 329047 00000000000000000ecd375ec2188ddedfb08cdffe9bcb7c35299a1b35c971bc
2014-11-08 02:30
- 39.60G Eligius 329045 00000000000000000bc05e30ad7a08c7d8ef4b1689fd934fd52478f03782c96c
2014-11-07 16:20
- 39.60G Eligius 328980 0000000000000000006becbd6a46552fb37225db2e34417352f04dc040f93652
2014-11-07 12:44
- 39.60G Eligius 328964 000000000000000017d1cd310a9b7a3964427c4204375edca2ea11d0601ae323
2014-11-07 10:43
- 39.60G Eligius 328956 000000000000000005c4de58a83eb25f13ac733b9e3479feb92d2dac1524dd22
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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