OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-10-20 02:56
- 35.00G Eligius 326108 00000000000000000352f4d5869b1580bfc5cdd8c2a34b6083f33af4c7c3ad69
2014-10-20 00:24
- 35.00G Eligius 326093 00000000000000001e261019c24ac1eaf9635444415c9aedc3de82cab38f943b
2014-10-20 00:23
- 35.00G Eligius 326092 00000000000000000186e562e775c78845b6d0151595b6e7f97931055407ea78
2014-10-19 14:00
- 35.00G Eligius 326034 000000000000000000ab1a8e42262db2e09f848edc4f820cd185ce99de7fc33b
2014-10-19 08:58
- 35.00G Eligius 326012 000000000000000001ecc32d05c416d559da558a3fa390daef4503464d4e3e82
2014-10-19 04:49
- 35.00G Eligius 325982 0000000000000000084828c7ca02ffcee1e254b9cad1a58885660a3f156e39a2
2014-10-18 21:11
- 35.00G Eligius 325936 00000000000000000b5875bc2935ffd2b50e61e8899aaf471fafd0c1fb2a9680
2014-10-18 15:44
- 35.00G Eligius 325901 00000000000000000f3e0247a719d413b93b7a641b15c439274ab7a1cd33b4a0
2014-10-18 06:08
- 35.00G Eligius 325844 00000000000000000981f5a3091d5778dd92ef6dba841ef1ec785fd3c2cbfa1f
2014-10-18 01:08
- 35.00G Eligius 325800 000000000000000016cab36d6781afcc8c8bf46346b8551a18cc53380533899c
2014-10-18 00:13
- 35.00G Eligius 325795 000000000000000007bcaeb50237b0e58de30759bf8fdfd4ef32068efaa2af55
2014-10-17 21:03
- 35.00G Eligius 325772 00000000000000001125ccd2eeafa1dbfc899aec70e79319cc09d47d30f3a408
2014-10-17 21:02
- 35.00G Eligius 325771 00000000000000000b8b393374cd6433439c647057284dd9f864a32be1afce33
2014-10-17 17:03
- 35.00G Eligius 325749 00000000000000001d53107b6afefcbe2fc6c194ffe0e01ebc3c8de60059bc73
2014-10-17 16:15
- 35.00G Eligius 325742 0000000000000000012361e60ffa91913bdfd020fcad83fc90b7cf6f8f6db8e1
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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