OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-07-30 05:22
- 18.74G Eligius 313115 000000000000000023abcb7c328a710459f0e85f98193f07f0a3377b3c4a64d8
2014-07-30 05:22
- 18.74G Eligius 313114 00000000000000001d91579fe8b6fb919d3191c7d6d76667b87a58b7f043d074
2014-07-29 23:10
- 18.74G Eligius 313075 00000000000000000b5d23dc33cc168500b828c9180d149ea4840ca561f75f7d
2014-07-29 20:45
- 18.74G Eligius 313053 00000000000000002e5922aa3c3cb5f1877aba96bc0f5c5b0e0fc811694ea62b
2014-07-29 14:42
- 18.74G Eligius 313017 00000000000000001284cff1e4402e6634fe3e44c5b5c9dcfef3a092ea204481
2014-07-29 11:05
- 18.74G Eligius 313000 000000000000000018f6d53196c6f51b402a82e3e5c04164b46efe1f33a1fca8
2014-07-29 06:06
- 18.74G Eligius 312969 00000000000000002d8a1f9f6ec9b76aea9cc2efabba74f6c8dcb7df8ea31dd3
2014-07-29 05:38
- 18.74G Eligius 312966 00000000000000000126276d10a1998f620dc9449944e7af16e9a32bdc95fbe9
2014-07-29 04:43
- 18.74G Eligius 312957 000000000000000031ccec0f4fd0071bd4d75b2d3a73715673826ac8bdf2fdff
2014-07-29 03:15
- 18.74G Eligius 312946 00000000000000002f3a6c82c5c27bb8205a008764e1991cea7ec71eb75417cc
2014-07-28 23:20
- 18.74G Eligius 312922 00000000000000002641cb665b28514ba325c44b159f4a9cd6e3d0499221a920
2014-07-28 19:58
- 18.74G Eligius 312897 00000000000000000ef8faa2a60d2c9dda11e9fe53a22d71dfd36c458db1e4d1
2014-07-28 12:48
- 18.74G Eligius 312861 00000000000000001fed10f7f652b75bb8b150af656814e5138b5ade101ec77c
2014-07-28 12:05
- 18.74G Eligius 312854 000000000000000025d0edba24e091f596c6f6136d55bb219bfba2d7c9ea67b3
2014-07-28 04:54
- 18.74G Eligius 312807 00000000000000002b63d17164cde033e40254991a151ed8846233583d9c8035
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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