OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-05-17 19:53
- 8.85G Eligius 301264 0000000000000000443d692682dca4a48fcdd0ceb31abceec8d5bec6c721f01f
2014-05-17 18:30
- 8.85G Eligius 301260 00000000000000003436c3eebaec688d987181a83cb900053b897f1a7656eb52
2014-05-17 14:55
- 8.85G Eligius 301240 0000000000000000554df3d5ff4edfe40d7c9c07448e97db6fb2f73cac2cf905
2014-05-17 05:39
- 8.85G Eligius 301156 00000000000000000c82967fee5b60568942c14e2f78c94caf5d58685fc7a77e
2014-05-17 03:29
- 8.85G Eligius 301139 00000000000000001a2115d2fa742ec832ca3dafbd4de9e8521ba8cd10e4399b
2014-05-17 03:04
- 8.85G Eligius 301134 00000000000000007783bcd706d141fec3d68712820e86762966b367ba61c8f0
2014-05-17 03:03
- 8.85G Eligius 301133 00000000000000005319a5b8e753c7b5ff61bd55c6a10b24a5ba7030725baee7
2014-05-17 00:11
- 8.85G Eligius 301118 00000000000000004c31efa22741b9860cfe612f4855feb00c66ff79ef97a483
2014-05-16 23:57
- 8.85G Eligius 301116 000000000000000048efe99df5cb51a469c464a68ae60feba4f6279ab1ea7eb6
2014-05-16 23:55
- 8.85G Eligius 301115 00000000000000006d5006375b934d729a1eb8e0c80354f0ccb75044f886f949
2014-05-16 20:51
- 8.85G Eligius 301096 00000000000000006d211480ef3bf7dc092cf6f7defb76b3ef1d269d26783752
2014-05-16 20:30
- 8.85G Eligius 301093 00000000000000005594d85511ad6f9bdaa1c1c66d03b881aa03c2c47f0cf5e4
2014-05-16 19:14
- 8.85G Eligius 301082 000000000000000041fa59846dc77e243e5f9da8ee4fb7c8902b274937ee3bc0
2014-05-16 14:23
- 8.85G Eligius 301050 000000000000000043c2ab6f1939747bfef50f18fe682b6adf4bbf75ae094ae2
2014-05-16 09:45
- 8.85G Eligius 301011 00000000000000001742b5854437cf05a80ceafecaa5b249b63b3ee405528c8b
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
34 hours
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