OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-05-14 04:12
- 8.85G Eligius 300642 00000000000000002558bbcf0c3575f7db6ddef7a553eadf36ddac45755409c7
2014-05-14 02:06
- 8.85G Eligius 300626 00000000000000002dc618f7f70e003eafc5453b64d6b762cff936def7ad0d24
2014-05-14 01:44
- 8.85G Eligius 300623 000000000000000056d0ce5125dfd470ec7edcae709f78637ab6bdaf1f97d4f3
2014-05-13 21:30
- 8.85G Eligius 300599 00000000000000005146c8b4715a5d1dd591f2786c1f54bee98b09b5119625bb
2014-05-13 21:27
- 8.85G Eligius 300598 00000000000000000b98f5fafa96bf8f59e88af4057460effb80edf067f72cec
2014-05-13 18:57
- 8.85G Eligius 300583 000000000000000076d46db6cabd592e62f89b346b8e05a79313d2fcd6289155
2014-05-13 18:44
- 8.85G Eligius 300581 0000000000000000341a7860a690ef2fc2bc1f0b3853ef3a9bde1de171d88761
2014-05-13 11:54
- 8.85G Eligius 300532 00000000000000003c4e14602e41b16ee712c18a1f3ee19d4d89124d1e67f6e0
2014-05-13 09:36
- 8.85G Eligius 300513 000000000000000030e7d6ec3825f49da7c52134dfaf33471ef0392b37614416
2014-05-13 06:04
- 8.85G Eligius 300491 00000000000000001e2e27fb68178611e718c7dfd16b87874eb100d255b6de31
2014-05-13 04:56
- 8.85G Eligius 300486 000000000000000028e997bb685f9c2e924404d421aea2e0929208f51ca1ff48
2014-05-13 03:59
- 8.85G Eligius 300480 00000000000000004941eed2f4e17b0f0b036163091b4903a9235257394e297f
2014-05-13 03:21
- 8.85G Eligius 300473 00000000000000004a4c608079b4838902be8904cbf7c0ff78d6f286bea7b28f
2014-05-13 01:25
- 8.85G Eligius 300460 000000000000000037edd3eb530a8347575b27489597216ec85f3d48b2258e6a
2014-05-13 01:07
- 8.85G Eligius 300457 00000000000000000ca6e221a0316d0c02ab1b6b9958a11c086d23bc7bafa2de
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
34 hours
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