OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-05-13 00:27
- 8.85G Eligius 300454 00000000000000001d8b77b4a8d9f77eb8d1250a0a31c3f87ffcfd61aef2e22b
2014-05-12 22:19
- 8.85G Eligius 300442 000000000000000031e44fabf84f3c051da908dc32b16563598a9d31aea12723
2014-05-12 21:03
- 8.85G Eligius 300427 000000000000000055b72ce1aeed7d952d03f9d5a3d9d1ec063c4893321f5c26
2014-05-12 20:57
- 8.85G Eligius 300425 000000000000000033de2ff2728e7339caf2c65e23feebdc3dee3795a0f25399
2014-05-12 20:46
- 8.85G Eligius 300423 00000000000000001832a059eeb64f32c9180b2d9c4c353e8608e2bf1c817873
2014-05-12 19:37
- 8.85G Eligius 300414 000000000000000062406e7a25755370dc921a76fece6846809e0a84f504cf20
2014-05-12 17:06
- 8.85G Eligius 300402 00000000000000002a33c95e23724b7a200c632bf2e11c45efcae8d14f238dba
2014-05-12 11:33
- 8.00G Eligius 300367 000000000000000041a5728ab0634c4ed8a2a9ba9935d8095a489d7ec9d990b4
2014-05-12 10:07
- 8.00G Eligius 300356 00000000000000007526f042e047cc1b8cd979b24a323273406d84f03b0f8d95
2014-05-12 10:04
- 8.00G Eligius 300354 0000000000000000752c7cd85953116a3aa278ffb8e4fb44167cc1146879843f
2014-05-12 07:08
- 8.00G Eligius 300334 00000000000000001998934fb5ac65d1913053c036539e4b84b21ac72a853525
2014-05-12 02:43
- 8.00G Eligius 300304 00000000000000007b857a5840ca4d742afbea696179cc9dd1554d0826bc3f16
2014-05-12 01:52
- 8.00G Eligius 300301 00000000000000002887537d323675f79cc5eddce91b3c0dd433739cbfe9c823
2014-05-12 00:28
- 8.00G Eligius 300292 000000000000000016385bf330e894a8ae28fa28a50c6d4aa96d2769fe6fcc14
2014-05-11 22:55
- 8.00G Eligius 300285 00000000000000005d09c24ebdcd17275417bd86afcc981addcf493cf47b1cc9
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
34 hours
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