OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-05-15 04:44
- 8.85G Eligius 300808 00000000000000003d8b48e0cbcb3ea9882e652ac20bcd9ce716958a83d42d26
2014-05-15 03:53
- 8.85G Eligius 300799 00000000000000003a9e4e6b07483f513ec45207ef6701758f9a3927ccb1f6da
2014-05-15 01:59
- 8.85G Eligius 300783 00000000000000007a8baac94a7852bc6f7a98bf343ed6ee4aa34b9e569b3e9d
2014-05-14 23:16
- 8.85G Eligius 300759 000000000000000040655f9a52e12929cbb094b808c34593b9909660f4ace54c
2014-05-14 23:08
- 8.85G Eligius 300757 000000000000000016726fbbba214246d355a343fc0c612ce1a11114806da4a3
2014-05-14 22:21
- 8.85G Eligius 300748 0000000000000000281c5b3f6b24ca199bef8cd8224294dd9a5b597feecf33e4
2014-05-14 20:52
- 8.85G Eligius 300741 00000000000000002fd26c8d78dad3baf043c3c5713396ac7a59d5ced3d2d791
2014-05-14 19:14
- 8.85G Eligius 300730 00000000000000005faf1c78f40748e321596c9337ee45c79cc09bfcc46e8eb1
2014-05-14 16:22
- 8.85G Eligius 300717 00000000000000006c0e143396effaa7b1015abd1175101bf9dc80d6b35153fd
2014-05-14 13:05
- 8.85G Eligius 300693 00000000000000003743de03f2492ece87d00fb217ad2273a70dbfe3f6c93859
2014-05-14 11:04
- 8.85G Eligius 300683 000000000000000026882d4c1fdc8d2150fcefa8dfa152cfa4a32b2eda9b1d23
2014-05-14 10:25
- 8.85G Eligius 300679 00000000000000000c8300e64fab53829b644fc57b6ebfd2ce8fa065b3044d66
2014-05-14 09:30
- 8.85G Eligius 300672 0000000000000000432990798e986d33f00bc73c9dc8a8ee283191fe68739233
2014-05-14 06:02
- 8.85G Eligius 300651 00000000000000004989e7f13555e7c0c4f517210b988ee15e88a77049f46bb5
2014-05-14 05:10
- 8.85G Eligius 300647 00000000000000004820d9def3fdbda08e2fbede1b16a97ef84b772f269e6067
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
34 hours
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