OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-05-09 00:56
- 8.00G Eligius 299794 00000000000000006cbdce350ace370c1d1c78fb53c3a0b1f2a7435a5d823639
2014-05-09 00:03
- 8.00G Eligius 299789 0000000000000000087e1bd23437d32aa960c3c8b22fed5fe7329bb5b6f202ae
2014-05-08 23:29
- 8.00G Eligius 299783 00000000000000002fe1ea65b758abd66828c98c9def9d1bafd94e4707f0e297
2014-05-08 22:21
- 8.00G Eligius 299772 00000000000000006768576b209d6bf9d7f78a84c3d5873b9bc6ea824138f393
2014-05-08 18:21
- 8.00G Eligius 299744 0000000000000000761cdffad5de63add6c0e1bfda668b3ae168d5bca1671f11
2014-05-08 17:56
- 8.00G Eligius 299740 000000000000000047fbc7816de6c3036130f2877b69e5c3faee3db4439b52e8
2014-05-08 16:49
- 8.00G Eligius 299737 00000000000000007aab30a010695912952c839fccc8b20b2f25acebd62c8d22
2014-05-08 16:30
- 8.00G Eligius 299735 00000000000000006d8603ed231372f5a22db309b8f47a8db43ece2f0e476a12
2014-05-08 15:26
- 8.00G Eligius 299730 000000000000000081a45aa7f142b47b573434718cafa0a3e00a3f9e262932ac
2014-05-08 14:52
- 8.00G Eligius 299724 000000000000000055fdc53e19a03846c5f8ca207fbe05a0405a22f5b70d674f
2014-05-08 12:19
- 8.00G Eligius 299708 000000000000000073dcf2ac1df6087fd65b320972e7a479e9b83c880ff29afe
2014-05-08 12:07
- 8.00G Eligius 299705 00000000000000001de982497c6b7b6eec6bf4b816844b4f1942ea1fa26cf175
2014-05-08 11:51
- 8.00G Eligius 299700 00000000000000003365fb16bf3404b2ea32a89985e121ada43bd52c312ea1a4
2014-05-08 11:11
- 8.00G Eligius 299696 00000000000000001544fe0bd85855329a111b88ec3826676b934fe52e6d7b74
2014-05-08 11:01
- 8.00G Eligius 299693 00000000000000003dfccb7ca24928c16f7a4e78c30fd57408ecae0ebb668154
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
35 hours
Share Log Window