OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-15 13:51
- 6.12G Eligius 295994 000000000000000080efe79e7de4c23e5444faed46ad1db74c1f26e441d0c4de
2014-04-15 13:07
- 6.12G Eligius 295989 0000000000000000697f32cad9a1698fe006feba7b10a9fb10e93be96ec86960
2014-04-15 13:05
- 6.12G Eligius 295988 00000000000000009fb5c2c488cb62c3f26b1c22fc55eea2c2d95e14b7840cdc
2014-04-15 08:51
- 6.12G Eligius 295949 0000000000000000a9117ec9fb5812ce7bae6a5a38f5e4acce04eb2557b513a3
2014-04-15 07:51
- 6.12G Eligius 295935 000000000000000005ea1ca8a944a574826bd856b83a29871f46c8e2a2323deb
2014-04-15 05:18
- 6.12G Eligius 295922 000000000000000075b3ee3cfa41882422e97bef10a181c3880fbeadb9958674
2014-04-15 03:02
- 6.12G Eligius 295908 000000000000000072cd9697d512a6be5203f38010f7a1dc939777db30f5c9b3
2014-04-15 02:46
- 6.12G Eligius 295904 0000000000000000320dcd97206a4c860d2130f9c3f4e96744250e482b4a32c8
2014-04-15 01:20
- 6.12G Eligius 295894 00000000000000000d524d139e8c5a800c1ebf237ecb6d7a5d351a321720803d
2014-04-15 00:03
- 6.12G Eligius 295885 00000000000000001418a26a22d7b0549858c94abdaf124b4e193ade573501c4
2014-04-14 22:48
- 6.12G Eligius 295875 00000000000000001c6d9c76457744c6f1284840ba13a905da86827f5e7c7283
2014-04-14 22:02
- 6.12G Eligius 295872 0000000000000000302ceb45175330bef82118ff087d61a6ab379df0e467233d
2014-04-14 21:34
- 6.12G Eligius 295869 00000000000000004d775c4417aeeb9406dfd0de620e7b349e2c2749f1e19d8c
2014-04-14 18:09
- 6.12G Eligius 295838 0000000000000000777b2177058511db57cf6f3792e5c07ac0f6fe486a5d1532
2014-04-14 16:40
- 6.12G Eligius 295828 00000000000000007e083484903caf857b1da28f861ba7f0ff0e3c4f6662df2c
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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