OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-21 23:22
- 4.25G Eligius 291748 00000000000000007ba9c53f05bc310ed87d08cbbac2570aa92cb170baa95a4d
2014-03-21 23:07
- 4.25G Eligius 291745 000000000000000076663f2251201510e00f7a349cc7098edd05fc4a3d7ffa06
2014-03-21 22:39
- 4.25G Eligius 291740 000000000000000056ad27f405f8929b7b4f24448f01aeefc3e92fe8c2a3bada
2014-03-21 21:19
- 4.25G Eligius 291732 00000000000000002eb2eab2c2b5a09faa8fe28491ab8b1a823e6f8bc1f48271
2014-03-21 21:14
- 4.25G Eligius 291730 00000000000000009a403694fb8a3bb18434786bc9418e80ca8f10e88e0857b7
2014-03-21 21:03
- 4.25G Eligius 291724 000000000000000011bdba2db9811f95fb1600133c08eefa9f09a07b2b187ddd
2014-03-21 19:44
- 4.25G Eligius 291712 000000000000000059f23a293849cee6b24f11554378df7d41738aa4b8cca18c
2014-03-21 18:56
- 4.25G Eligius 291710 000000000000000059d6c05ee0af4bee4707ecb201c061f105de5b03db719441
2014-03-21 18:36
- 4.25G Eligius 291707 0000000000000000814d6fd3984811321c52d64876a427d670956d6da0e5b719
2014-03-21 18:14
- 4.25G Eligius 291705 00000000000000000fe659bdfb935e0b4a1e3ba599734e899f2184b68dcfb9bc
2014-03-21 17:23
- 4.25G Eligius 291700 0000000000000000c6e1c37e399e6e604cc4946a8a1fa2161b3850052ea139dd
2014-03-21 17:13
- 4.25G Eligius 291698 0000000000000000c9c026e5c05f71c2098ea7454749ebb635c3f3840888b6ac
2014-03-21 16:20
- 4.25G Eligius 291692 000000000000000040df6f5c1bd3c8fe61ee1e2c11255aa34122e3ee561b7897
2014-03-21 15:30
- 4.25G Eligius 291685 00000000000000006d34be57f2a732eb7c7f54543c29e64fd545be3a7829777a
2014-03-21 15:15
- 4.25G Eligius 291683 00000000000000005370a134fbaf73575acbb552a53071e01511bbfbe99ec5ea
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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