OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-21 03:26
- 4.25G Eligius 291588 00000000000000003cd2f1e1a81263ad4c7c13ffd18519c00db3b53316483bdf
2014-03-21 02:26
- 4.25G Eligius 291580 0000000000000000dfa3524c776ab9b9c507a4366014ec06965829ffcbc00423
2014-03-21 02:13
- 4.25G Eligius 291577 0000000000000000425a11e582a7343c2fef73c45a40b4f3dcd37ec6d62cb9de
2014-03-20 23:44
- 4.25G Eligius 291566 00000000000000002b51ebe2d730f66347bbb4adbd4a83397c8c0ed67a78205e
2014-03-20 23:09
- 4.25G Eligius 291559 0000000000000000b4435f18773949190848496f84b1e67c414ff53d44ef5070
2014-03-20 19:52
- 4.25G Eligius 291539 00000000000000005278e52da12b8b3102d9b33ef3f3d07201e98f5a13733832
2014-03-20 18:42
- 4.25G Eligius 291528 0000000000000000d642502fdaa7d17956e9839922f228303368dca7189ee9fe
2014-03-20 18:25
- 4.25G Eligius 291525 00000000000000008d575274e5833336b373c539cac0eb8700953977d47484ae
2014-03-20 16:41
- 4.25G Eligius 291511 0000000000000000af7383f5c532439894d90c08f8ad8467974176f81826295e
2014-03-20 16:08
- 4.25G Eligius 291509 0000000000000000baa955b4c64fbb334052f9ea8a3bd4b920e563246e3d4bac
2014-03-20 15:56
- 4.25G Eligius 291508 0000000000000000098465026385a1f9549741334cc652e914bfc9a2e286c602
2014-03-20 13:12
- 4.25G Eligius 291484 0000000000000000de6ce3ce3c544ffe2468f2269855d43fcfe5b5f0c193da69
2014-03-20 12:00
- 4.25G Eligius 291481 0000000000000000b16ec9d427694f4aa9003e1a8862379cfe02f56c38c8b345
2014-03-20 10:10
- 4.25G Eligius 291470 000000000000000033f0b6c755afbfdb113c6a21996ec01d487053b9b1df2b07
2014-03-20 09:40
- 4.25G Eligius 291466 00000000000000008604871c2f2334566ca83906b618632e32cdd5a8e41b93dd
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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