OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-21 15:11
- 4.25G Eligius 291682 0000000000000000fa2337a9a77bd86da6a59382d1fd29c7681b3c185fa4649d
2014-03-21 13:13
- 4.25G Eligius 291668 000000000000000080ba3e0ae410e26fcf1b3bc976598ac9175ae4a9eef4929c
2014-03-21 11:12
- 4.25G Eligius 291653 0000000000000000d2114ca268b2033b6345328d1ebcee19ca645d2e85a4410b
2014-03-21 11:11
- 4.25G Eligius 291652 0000000000000000c5f8ecc55a76fcdcc093e3607a20acc6f1b2737e73ce28f8
2014-03-21 10:24
- 4.25G Eligius 291645 0000000000000000f858b5f4c4787048517ac9c174474f5e2c9c880338265f07
2014-03-21 10:22
- 4.25G Eligius 291643 0000000000000000fa8a098015153c820e1dea48e537ed2ef5e69906660c9c02
2014-03-21 08:51
- 4.25G Eligius 291634 000000000000000045b730a1e622a902e30d012f8c96c5e2b386a11b2a07004f
2014-03-21 08:47
- 4.25G Eligius 291632 00000000000000002f104c6475f6b77a2afe2f0d9234b9acc878f31b96c31c0e
2014-03-21 08:41
- 4.25G Eligius 291631 00000000000000008990bc0f61fa9d7e82cdbe562bb4c7bfa2b55590f6041e67
2014-03-21 08:12
- 4.25G Eligius 291623 000000000000000039a55ff2b6dfd76f53a77afaf0bc2f939751971df69ecd8a
2014-03-21 07:42
- 4.25G Eligius 291621 000000000000000021355f53ddbe85dc2e28d6ee8800552c718cf168abed9765
2014-03-21 07:29
- 4.25G Eligius 291615 00000000000000002cd81702b6b49e354c66c9f9e9c3b068d023d26484631dd2
2014-03-21 06:53
- 4.25G Eligius 291610 0000000000000000a839ea8e5f8e64bb5b23f20a75b2e8e6a56ed84ec2275543
2014-03-21 05:29
- 4.25G Eligius 291600 0000000000000000d73d6b4a44f306c58365eaf63caeaf648e318553262d2038
2014-03-21 05:24
- 4.25G Eligius 291599 00000000000000001aa6ea3c7ac3e8983e2a1ed623102b0cbe4064dd91fedac9
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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