OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2015-10-13 23:46
- 60.81G Eligius 378773 000000000000000006e16ad27575db4fd9610643c3d7ebd884c383f89a40afd1
2015-10-13 11:35
- 60.81G Eligius 378700 000000000000000008c9a768422e609c46bbc02a076b86cdca43caadd856dd28
2015-10-13 09:20
- 60.81G Eligius 378690 000000000000000000184b2f7e9a95ce0063e9f723534bd63efe37883ed6164b
2015-10-13 05:39
- 60.81G Eligius 378670 0000000000000000061db4a423a38fafeea0a3eb797eb85707b73f8a15c25b2e
2015-10-12 15:17
- 60.81G Eligius 378581 00000000000000000ad4aa58c807a40c37951a5155593fe0acae36ab820e4267
2015-10-12 08:04
- 60.81G Eligius 378546 00000000000000000b2337140bdcfc4fdb348e567c14c8d2104cecc0d2c9fef4
2015-10-12 05:55
- 60.81G Eligius 378531 000000000000000001caf79e70dc93fd412d99d088b32f20c1ceb33293d4d410
2015-10-12 05:41
- 60.81G Eligius 378530 0000000000000000042ccf958ec83ce10049db8d90242a53a6d64236436bede7
2015-10-11 21:09
- 60.81G Eligius 378482 00000000000000000283a981644f79bf13bdb329d60bb9a300314ad17023bf8a
2015-10-11 16:11
- 60.81G Eligius 378448 000000000000000001b1e373c7e7241cba5cb2764b8a4936b8610a24992d6005
2015-10-11 04:02
- 60.81G Eligius 378370 000000000000000008d97f22a349913325fd1992fffb7de845e463cb5edcf359
2015-10-10 18:06
- 60.81G Eligius 378307 00000000000000000cd6a0e493f6d993770fdee90c069ea1a194a1ee7a66aa6f
2015-10-09 15:47
- 60.81G Eligius 378149 000000000000000009be2362868e7f557d2d92b874cdfae3409bc781df79290d
2015-10-09 14:37
- 60.81G Eligius 378142 00000000000000000b91e217c66a65ae5fe89e8884b5c7f98095659fbd121744
2015-10-09 14:24
- 60.81G Eligius 378141 00000000000000000c936d531432cd8ffb1b4cf1a969a90b3605453df9770b4b
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
30 hours
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