OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-22 13:38
- 6.98G Eligius 297149 000000000000000014d1b9a61a811dbfbbccd519784fc45025377ce24ecfe089
2014-04-22 10:22
- 6.98G Eligius 297128 00000000000000002e56a7cf48691428cecab48e3a975b6c00c7601f859cd65a
2014-04-22 10:05
- 6.98G Eligius 297126 000000000000000046ee3ef6961ca9eeb7a2cf4df9049af16e91cf3cb66eab28
2014-04-22 09:16
- 6.98G Eligius 297120 00000000000000007548fbe9a18943ab5cfbb58a7c09b29657a65267230e1771
2014-04-22 07:57
- 6.98G Eligius 297112 0000000000000000719bc678def5f50f9e3587e65fd755bb6e6568bfef61a51b
2014-04-22 07:19
- 6.98G Eligius 297109 00000000000000009415b96d2fc36cf0ee511fb2936723e44dc9c57d3573211d
2014-04-22 03:27
- 6.98G Eligius 297089 000000000000000083e7ec5b66fd64446722d5252bbb32e4ce085cdc65a756ec
2014-04-22 01:45
- 6.98G Eligius 297076 000000000000000046936d5adc38f0a19a22d1018f061f885465ebe1924817a1
2014-04-22 01:24
- 6.98G Eligius 297073 0000000000000000584eba0226b22f5c410acee9c3b39a61769831b161265476
2014-04-21 22:18
- 6.98G Eligius 297055 00000000000000001dfa40e152ee35713cc03aff8d317c19699ea0d049226b24
2014-04-21 21:54
- 6.98G Eligius 297053 00000000000000007abc88dedb635663bac1df99933d22a64bee9ff71d1b595e
2014-04-21 21:52
- 6.98G Eligius 297052 000000000000000069c480c1f7dbe1e52f68aa2f228c15eb39259147cc26c243
2014-04-21 21:28
- 6.98G Eligius 297048 00000000000000005cdaeb9bbe62314a9ae8a14764e3058c86142bdf1a253081
2014-04-21 21:20
- 6.98G Eligius 297047 000000000000000026cbf6b18fbd1cf20a1449f4e51b8eb77a0069c12554d8e1
2014-04-21 19:29
- 6.98G Eligius 297031 000000000000000054192a2488dd85aed34e9173ed52b365557136c9416ea02d
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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